State aids energy-environment Clean Vehicles State Aids and ETS SGEI Waste Management State Aids Guidelines Environmental Agreements
State aids energy-environment Clean Vehicles State Aids and ETS SGEI Waste Management State Aids Guidelines Environmental Agreements
Mise en œuvre de la directive du Conseil 92/43/CE du 21 mai 1992 sur les habitats naturels « Mise en œuvre de la directive du Conseil 92/43/CE du 21 mai 1992 sur les habitats naturels Read more…
The Polluter-pays principle Scope of Application Commission Guidelines on Environmental State Aids Ecotaxation and State Aids
Promoting sustainable patterns of production & consumption, pt 1 Promoting sustainable patterns of production & consumption, pt 2 MEEQR (Article 34 TFEU), pt 3 Environmental Restrictions on Exports (Art. 35 TFEU), pt 4 Derogations and Read more…
Introduction The Right to Environmental Protection in the ECHR
Trade and the Environment in the EU Derecho de la Biodiversidad Science and Environmental Law Accords commerciaux
N. de Sadeleer, « Affaire C-282/15 – Queisser Pharma», European Journal of Consumer Law- Revue européenne du droit de la consommation, 2018, n°1, p. 513-519.
The precautionary principle in WTO Law’, in L. Krämer and Orlando (eds.), Principles of Environmental Law, Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, World Academy (EE, 2018) 599-610.
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