Promoting sustainable patterns of production & consumption, pt 1

Promoting sustainable patterns of production & consumption, pt 2

MEEQR (Article 34 TFEU), pt 3

Environmental Restrictions on Exports (Art. 35 TFEU), pt 4

Derogations and Justifications (Article 36 TFEU), pt 5

Proportionality Review of Environmental MEEQRs, pt 6

Ecotaxation (Articles 28, 30 and 110 TFEU), pt 7

Customs Duties and CEEs (Articles 28 and 30 TFEU), pt 8

Discriminatory Internal Taxation (Article 110 TFEU), pt 9

More stringent environmental standards (Article 113 TFEU), pt 10

Article 114 TFEU and environmental standards, pt 11

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