The Satus of the Wolf
Op-Ed, ‘Downgrading the Satus of the Wolf: don’t crack a Nut with a Sledgehammer’, EULawLive, 16 January 2024.
Op-Ed, ‘Downgrading the Satus of the Wolf: don’t crack a Nut with a Sledgehammer’, EULawLive, 16 January 2024.
N de Sadeleer, « Responsabilidad de Rusia por daños al medioambiente en Ucrania”, Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental, n° 151, 2 de diciembre de 2024.
I Damjanovic and N de Sadeleer, ‘Labour Standards in International Trade Agreements: A Rule of Law Perspective’Labour Standards in International Trade Agreements: A Rule of Law Perspective, European Journal of Risk Regulation (2024), 15, 551–571
N de Sadeleer and I Damjanovic, ‘The Rule of Law Between National and International Contexts: Introduction to the Special Issue on International Economic Law and the Rule of Law’ 15 (2024) EJRR 477–484.
Conférence Commission Université-Palais, droit de l’UE et contentieux devant les juridictions nationales, novembre 2024