The Satus of the Wolf
Op-Ed, ‘Downgrading the Satus of the Wolf: don’t crack a Nut with a Sledgehammer’, EULawLive, 16 January 2024.
Op-Ed, ‘Downgrading the Satus of the Wolf: don’t crack a Nut with a Sledgehammer’, EULawLive, 16 January 2024.
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Conférence Commission Université-Palais, droit de l’UE et contentieux devant les juridictions nationales, novembre 2024
N de Sadeleer, ‘The Rule of Law: A Core Premise for the Effectiveness of International Environmental Law’ in Special issue The evolving nature of the rule of law in international economic law 15 (2024) European Journal of Risk Regulation 572–587