EU Institutional Law
Labour standards
I Damjanovic and N de Sadeleer, ‘Labour Standards in International Trade Agreements: A Rule of Law Perspective’Labour Standards in International Trade Agreements: A Rule of Law Perspective, European Journal of Risk Regulation (2024), 15, 551–571
The Rule of Law
N de Sadeleer and I Damjanovic, ‘The Rule of Law Between National and International Contexts: Introduction to the Special Issue on International Economic Law and the Rule of Law’ 15 (2024) EJRR 477–484.
EU Institutional Law
État de droit
“Aperçu de la valeur de l’État de droit et de ses récents développements au seinde la jurisprudence européenne”, R.D.U.E., 1/2024, p. 193-215
European Economic Governance
Fiscal and economic governance ‘The EU fiscal and economic governance”, in ¿Hacia una nueva gobernanza económica de la Unión Europea? Towards a new government of the economy in the European Union? Para um novo governo da economia na União Europeia?(Pamplona, Arazandi, 2018) Economic Governance ‘The New Architecture of the EU Economic Read more…