Climate Change
Marché carbone
“Le sauvetage du marché européen du carbone. Le Phénix renaîtra-t-il de ses cendres ?”, Energie-Environnement-Infrastructure, mars 2016, p. 1-5.
“Le sauvetage du marché européen du carbone. Le Phénix renaîtra-t-il de ses cendres ?”, Energie-Environnement-Infrastructure, mars 2016, p. 1-5.
« Salvaging the European Carbon Market. Will the Phoenix raises from his ashes?», Journal of European Environmental & Planning Law, 2016, vol. 13, n° 2, pp. 133-145.
The Precautionary Principle and climate change’ in D. Farber and M. Peeters (eds.), Climate Change Law (Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, 2016) 20-32.
Tribunal de l’Union européenne, 21 mai 2015, Rubinum s.a. c. Commissioneuropéenne, T-201/13
‘Preliminary Reference on Environmental Liability and the Polluter Pays Principle: Case C-534/13, Fipa’, RECIEL 24 (2) 2015, p. 232-235.
N. de Sadeleer and M. Abbas Khayli, ‘The Role of the Precautionary Principle in the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes’, in A. Tanzi et al. (eds.) The UNECE Convention Read more…
‘Assessment and Authorisation of Plans and Projects Having a Significant Impact on Natura 2000 Sites’ in B. Vanheudesen et L. Squintani (eds.), EU Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large-Scale Projects, Intersentia, p.237.
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