Climate Change
State Aid and the PPP
« Consistency between the granting of State aid and the polluter-pays principle : Aids aimed at mitigating climate change », 1 (2020) Climate Law 28-49.
Competition Law & State aid
The regulation of supermarkets and State aid law
N. de Sadeleer, ‘Preliminary ruling on the compatibility of taxation of superstores with the right to freedom of establishment and State aid law: Case C-233/16, ANGED’ RECIEL 2018(1)-(7) 341-347.
Competition Law
State aids “State Aids and Environmental Protection: Time for Promoting the Polluter-Pays Principle”, Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift/Nordic Environmental Law Journal, 2012:1, pp. 3-30. Français Aides d’Etat – notion d’entreprise Trib. UE, 12 septembre 2013, aff. T 347/09, Allemagne c/Commission, in Agt.-Envt., 2014/2, p. 32-33. Finnish Ey: n kilpailusääntöjen vaikutus viranomaisten ja yritysten menettelyyn ympärisön Read more…