The Satus of the Wolf
Op-Ed, ‘Downgrading the Satus of the Wolf: don’t crack a Nut with a Sledgehammer’, EULawLive, 16 January 2024.
Op-Ed, ‘Downgrading the Satus of the Wolf: don’t crack a Nut with a Sledgehammer’, EULawLive, 16 January 2024.
Achmea ‘The End of the Game. The Autonomy of the EU Legal Order Opposes Arbitral tribunals under Bilateral Investment Treaties Concluded between two Member States’2018(1) E.J.R.R. 355-370. Ecotaxes on Beverage Packaging Case note on Case C-198/14 (Valev Visnapuu), 25 (2) 2016 RECIEL 261-267. – Excise Duty on Certain Beverage Packaging: Case C-534/13 Fipa ‘‘Case Read more…
State aids “State Aids and Environmental Protection: Time for Promoting the Polluter-Pays Principle”, Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift/Nordic Environmental Law Journal, 2012:1, pp. 3-30. Français Aides d’Etat – notion d’entreprise Trib. UE, 12 septembre 2013, aff. T 347/09, Allemagne c/Commission, in Agt.-Envt., 2014/2, p. 32-33. Finnish Ey: n kilpailusääntöjen vaikutus viranomaisten ja yritysten menettelyyn ympärisön Read more…
The precautionary principle P.-T. Stoll, W. Th. Douma, N. de Sadeleer, and P. Abel, CETA, TTIP and the EU precautionary principle. Legal analysis of selected parts of the draft CETA agreement and the EU TTIP proposals. Avis 2/15 UE-SINGAPOUR N. de Sadeleer, ‘Accords de libre-échange : un nouvel éclairage sur la répartition Read more…
Air Emissions Standards N. de Sadeleer, ‘Reinforcing EU testing methods of air emissions and the approval processes of vehicle compliance in the wake of the VW scandal’, ERA Forum. Journal of the Academy of European Law, 2016. Harmonization of Air Regulatory Standards ‘Harmonizing Car Emissions, Air Quality, and Fuel Quality Standards Read more…