Principe de précaution et aliments
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“Sécurité alimentaire et précaution”, sous la coord. de S. Mahieu et K. Merten-Lentz, Sécurité alimentaire. Nouveaux enjeux et perspectives, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2013, p. 307-345
N. de Sadeleer, ‘The principle of a high level of environmental protection in EU law: policy principle or general principle of law?’ in Mijörättsliga perspektiv och tankevändor. Vänbok till Jan Darpö & Gabriel Michanek, Uppsala, Iustus Förlag, 2013, 447-465
N. de Sadeleer, ‘Review of Science and the Precautionary Principle in International Courts and Tribunals by Caroline E. Foster’ (2013) 25:2 Journal of Environmental Law 336-337.
N. de Sadeleer, « The Appropriate Impact Assessment and Authorisation Requirements of Plans and Projects likely to have Significant Impacts on Natura 2000 Sites”, ELNI Law Journal, 2013, n° 2, p. 7-22.