WTO law
The precautionary principle in WTO Law’, in L. Krämer and Orlando (eds.), Principles of Environmental Law, Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, World Academy (EE, 2018) 599-610.
The precautionary principle in WTO Law’, in L. Krämer and Orlando (eds.), Principles of Environmental Law, Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, World Academy (EE, 2018) 599-610.
« Le principe de précaution dans le droit de l’UE », Rev. Fr. Dr. Admin., 2017, p. 1 – 28.
Tribunal de l’Union européenne, 21 mai 2015, Rubinum s.a. c. Commissioneuropéenne, T-201/13
‘Preliminary Reference on Environmental Liability and the Polluter Pays Principle: Case C-534/13, Fipa’, RECIEL 24 (2) 2015, p. 232-235.
N. de Sadeleer and M. Abbas Khayli, ‘The Role of the Precautionary Principle in the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes’, in A. Tanzi et al. (eds.) The UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. Its Contribution to International Read more…
‘Assessment and Authorisation of Plans and Projects Having a Significant Impact on Natura 2000 Sites’ in B. Vanheudesen et L. Squintani (eds.), EU Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large-Scale Projects, Intersentia, p.237.
Introduction aux principes du droit de l’environnement, pt 1 Genèse des principes environnementaux, pt 2 Principe du pollueur-payeur, pt 3 Le principe du pollueur-payeur dans le droit de l’UE, pt 4 Le principe de prévention, pt 5 Le principe de précaution, pt 6
“Sécurité alimentaire et précaution”, sous la coord. de S. Mahieu et K. Merten-Lentz, Sécurité alimentaire. Nouveaux enjeux et perspectives, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2013, p. 307-345
N. de Sadeleer, ‘The principle of a high level of environmental protection in EU law: policy principle or general principle of law?’ in Mijörättsliga perspektiv och tankevändor. Vänbok till Jan Darpö & Gabriel Michanek, Uppsala, Iustus Förlag, 2013, 447-465
N. de Sadeleer, ‘Review of Science and the Precautionary Principle in International Courts and Tribunals by Caroline E. Foster’ (2013) 25:2 Journal of Environmental Law 336-337.